DONE with SATS!!!

I took the SATS yesterday finally!!! I'm sooo glad to be done with them...when I found out I'd have to take them 4 months earlier I was really dreading that ahah. It wasn't even that bad, although sitting for 6 hours in a row does kinda suck. But I meannn, the things we do to live in other countries! I'm also getting vaccinations every Wednesday...I swear there's like a million that are required before my trip! And my parents have tried to avoid getting me vaccinated, but we can't really avoid it any longer apparently! Haha. I can't believe it's already December 2nd, I leave SO soon!!!!! Less than two months!!! I'm freaking out.  I was falling asleep the other night and you know that feeling here you jolt awake cause it feels like your falling? Well I had that feeling except it was because it really kinda hit me that I'm leaving...for 6 months......I mean it hasn't fully hit me yet - I'm sure that'll be happening more and more as I get closer.

I also got information about the pre-depature orientation! It's January 7th, I think. Or 8th. And we have to drive a couple hours to get there. There's 7 other exchange students in the state of Maine that are departing to other countries in January. So we just get together for the day and talk about stuff that helps us prepare for leaving!! I think it'll be super helpful. I have sooo many questions!

 I forgot to mention, I also received another $600 scholarship! My tuition is basicallly fully paid, and I couldn't be more relieved. Just a few months ago I didn't know if I 'd make it. Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way:)


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