Hard work pays off! :)
What a weekend! Yesterday I worked at College of The Atlantic's graduation. I took part in preparing the food and then spend the evening passing it around to all the graduates and their families! And then this morning I woke up early and went to work at the Colonels bakery. Business is slow there because the season hasn't really started yet, so days can be a little boring. It's rewarding to think that those paychecks will be going towards my semester in Italy though, I just keep reminding myself that and it makes it a little more durable! :) When I was in Rome in April, we visited the Vatican city and I wrote a postcard to my family and sent it out from the Vatican! I didn't think it was going to arrive because it's been so long, but it just came today. I had almost forgotten about it! I absolutely love Vatican city, and I can't wait to go back and see it again! Your donation, interest, support, is greatly appreciated by my family and I! Please share this link with your family and friends:)
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